
Get an exclusive behind-the-scenes peek into WGSN's catwalk image tagging process from our digital asset expert Cassandra Rosenthal.
Cassandra Rosenthal Cassandra Rosenthal
Learn how this pivotal shade can elevate your brand's offerings and connect with the eco-conscious consumer of tomorrow.
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Our interior trend forecasting experts were on the ground for the September edition of Maison & Objet in Paris, checking out the latest trends from emerging designers and businesses showcasing their recent launches and innovations for 2025.
WGSN Social Analytics brings you the lowdown on the biking trends to focus on and the ones to approach with caution, as forecasted on WGSN Sports & Outdoors.
We’ve handpicked a preview of the most inspiring shows coming up – from galleries delivering micro-moments of joy to hip-hop jewellery and fashion retrospectives.
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Color harmonies are essential to design. Creatives don’t tend to focus on one color, but rather a selection that go well together. Whether for apparel, beauty, tech or interiors, assembling color harmonies can be key to conveying the correct message and mood to your consumer.
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Indigo is said to be the oldest textile dye in the world, with a history that is believed to stem back as early as the Neolithic age.
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At WGSN, we've been tracking the unstoppable rise of mycelium. Called out in our 10 Key Trends for 2021 & Beyond – Mycelium and the mushroom effect – and forecasted in our A/W 22/23 Mushroom Matters trend, mycelium, the vegetative root networks of mushrooms, is growing into a potential new…
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Covid-19 has created a pet boom, with humankind across the world seeking solace, affection and touch from furry friends. WGSN started tracking the recent rise in pet ownership last year and it’s very much a worldwide phenomenon; by 2025, the global pet market will grow by nearly 5%, according to Robeco.
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Consumer perception of products and experiences has been reinvented over the past 12 months due to the global pandemic, redefining global consumption and priorities. Our eagerly awaited annual Future Consumer 2023 white paper is part of a series of business strategy reports underlining what you need to action right…
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This time last year, we forecast a rise in above-the-keyboard dressing. Who knew then that this trend would accelerate so dramatically in 2020 due to stay-at-home restrictions, meeting online more frequently than in real life and adapting to living our lives through a screen. As we bid 2020 a not-very-fond farewell,…
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