In our Future Consumer 2026 forecast, we highlight the consumer profiles and sentiments that will take shape in two years’ time and explore the impact that exhaustion will have in consumers' lives – and how glimmers (small moments of joy) can counterbalance this.

Download an executive summary of the report to discover the best strategies to appeal to The Gleamers – one of four consumer profiles in our forecast – who are seeking glimmers and celebrating small achievements to redefine happiness and fulfilment on their own terms.

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The numbers behind the great exhaustion:

In a 2022 WGSN survey, 65% of respondents said they felt burned out due to more demanding personal and professional lives, exacerbated by a polycrisis of rising living costs, financial uncertainty, geopolitical tensions and eco-anxiety. WGSN’s survey also showed that the great exhaustion is disproportionately affecting Gen Z, younger Millennials and women: globally, 48% of people under 30 said they felt drained at work, and in South Africa, 40% of working women reported feelings of burnout.

The great exhaustion

Glimmers – the small moments of joy

Glimmers – which we identified as a key consumer sentiment in our suite of STEPIC forecasts for 2026 – will become a vital coping tool for consumers as the world faces multiple crises. The term ‘glimmer’ was coined by psychotherapist Deb Dana and can be thought of as the opposite of triggers: it refers to small moments of joy and positivity that can combat negative emotions to bring a sense of comfort and safety.

Meet The Gleamers

Prepare for your 2026 consumer