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All the gear but no idea? Tap into soft adventure

A growing number of consumers are looking for outdoor activities that are less physically demanding and require little prior expertise. Enter: Soft Adventure.
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Two people looking for directions on a hike
Pexels / Rdne

From backpacking, camping to snowshoeing; soft adventure activities are on the rise with a shift in demographics and a heightened awareness of health and wellness.

Soft adventure activities are driving growth in outdoor participation, providing accessible routes for new participants to reap the health and wellness benefits of the outdoors. There were 881,000 new hikers in the US in 2022 alone, while participation in camping and snowshoeing increased by 12% and 21% respectively.

How can brands take advantage of soft adventure activities?

Pexels / Kindel Media

Age-Agnostic designs

Tap into designing age-agnostic equipment that focuses on ease of use, comfort and inclusivity to appeal to casual participants in accessible outdoor activities. Outdoor participation is increasing steadily among Boomers, while increased focus on the health benefits of outdoor activities and societal macro trends towards inclusivity demands equipment that accommodates a diverse range of body shapes.

Pexels / Barbara Olsen

Entry-level products

A good or low-price point for outdoor equipment allows for first-time consumers to build brand loyalty. Soft adventure activities act as a gateway to additional outdoor pursuits, with 94% of campers and 83% of hikers participating in at least one other outdoor activity (OIA).

Pexels / Cotton Bro Studios

On-the-go gear

Lean into lightweight equipment that can be integrated into a participant’s work or social life, such as hiking packs with laptop pockets. Create robust packable gear that conforms to travel-specific needs, such as carry-on luggage dimensions and security in transit, to capitalise on growth in soft adventure tourism.

Unsplash / Holly Mandarich

WGSN introduces Sports & Outdoor, a new platform that helps you to beat the competition with unique, in-depth coverage of the global macro shifts and key trends impacting sports and outdoors, and guidance on how to implement them for new product development in equipment and gear, making your products the most desirable to your future consumers.

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