전 세계 전문가들이 전하는 인사이트, 데이터, 영감

250명이 넘는 업계 및 제품 전문가와 데이터 분석가, 컨설턴트로 구성된 글로벌 팀은 6대륙 38개 도시에 기반을 두고 있습니다, 언제 일어날지 예측하는 것이 빠릅니다. WGSN은 패션, 뷰티, 푸드 음료, 인테리어, 컨슈머 테크 분야에서는 현재와 미래 산업을 형성할 소비자 행동, 라이프스타일, 제품 디자인 트렌드를 알려드립니다.

세계 곳곳에 위치한 프로덕션 거점에서 월 150개 이상의 트렌드 리포트를 제작합니다.

전문가 소개

Lorna Hall
Director of Fashion Intelligence
Lorna loves to look beyond product design to discover what will drive a category or an item and what that means for trading now and in the future. She is responsible for WGSN's suite of intelligence reports and fostering sustainability thinking within our fashion content.
Nick Paget
Senior Strategist, Menswear
Nick has an intuitive understanding of menswear and a knack of knowing what’s next. With a commercial taste level but an eye for the cutting edge, he is skilled at providing creative solutions across market levels.
Quentin Humphrey
Head of Client Engagement, WGSN Consumer, Marketing and Retail
Known to many simply as Q, Quentin comes from a marketing and business development background. His work explores rising cultural shifts through a youth lens, decoding the new attitudes and interests of emerging Gen Z and Millennial communities to extrapolate strategies for engagement and community building.
Reiko Morrison
Head of CMF, Consumer Tech
Reiko’s expertise ranges from trend forecasting to an extensive knowledge of materials, technologies and manufacturing processes for prototyping and production. She curates and articulates insights from consumers, technology and design trends in CMF strategies that guide product development and ensure commercial success.
Zara Hussain
Data Analyst, Data Hub
Zara brings a broad knowledge of categories and behaviours within FMCG to WGSN, with a background in big data and retail analytics.