Einblicke, Daten und Anregungen aus aller Welt

Unser globales Team von mehr als 250 internen Branchen- und Produktexperten, Datenanalysten und Beratern ist in 38 Städten auf sechs Kontinenten tätig und prognostiziert aktiv, was als Nächstes kommt und wo und wann es passieren wird. Von Mode, Schönheit und Essen & Trinken bis hin zu Inneneinrichtung und Unterhaltungselektronik berichten wir über das Verbraucherverhalten, den Lebensstil und die Trends im Produktdesign, die die Branche jetzt und in Zukunft prägen werden.

Mit Produktionsstandorten auf der ganzen Welt erstellen wir über 150 Trendberichte pro Monat.

Lernen Sie einige unserer Teammitglieder kennen

Lorna Hall
Director of Fashion Intelligence
Lorna loves to look beyond product design to discover what will drive a category or an item and what that means for trading now and in the future. She is responsible for WGSN's suite of intelligence reports and fostering sustainability thinking within our fashion content.
Nick Paget
Senior Strategist, Menswear
Nick has an intuitive understanding of menswear and a knack of knowing what’s next. With a commercial taste level but an eye for the cutting edge, he is skilled at providing creative solutions across market levels.
Quentin Humphrey
Head of Client Engagement, WGSN Consumer, Marketing and Retail
Known to many simply as Q, Quentin comes from a marketing and business development background. His work explores rising cultural shifts through a youth lens, decoding the new attitudes and interests of emerging Gen Z and Millennial communities to extrapolate strategies for engagement and community building.
Reiko Morrison
Head of CMF, Consumer Tech
Reiko’s expertise ranges from trend forecasting to an extensive knowledge of materials, technologies and manufacturing processes for prototyping and production. She curates and articulates insights from consumers, technology and design trends in CMF strategies that guide product development and ensure commercial success.
Zara Hussain
Data Analyst, Data Hub
Zara brings a broad knowledge of categories and behaviours within FMCG to WGSN, with a background in big data and retail analytics.